Wednesday, August 3, 2011

At the Butte

Our stay at Black Butte Ranch in Oregon is flying by already.  The weather is fantastic...around 55 degrees in the morning but rising quickly to 66 and hitting mid-80s in the early afternoon.  The kids, who still wake up early because of the time zone change, hit their bikes wearing their jackets, sometimes taking off unsupervised to ride to the playground.  Samuel especially loves the independence of it all and Joshua delights in befriending the friendly Golden Mantle Chipmunks who hanker for gifts of peanuts.

The ranch itself is filled with Oregonians who are hungry for the sun.  Barely dried out from the recent long stretch of rain and cold weather, they flock to the Glazed Meadow pool, filling it and the surrounding area to bare their very pale skin to the sun.  The Oregonian moles rarely get to see sun and water together in the same place, which drives them to soak up every ounce of Vitamin D available in  preparation for another long rainy winter. It brings back memories of living in Oregon and seeking out sun at every opportunity.  Years ago, Daryl and I even went so far as to pretend that the sun at the beach made it warm enough to wear our swim suits in the 60 something weather with a biting wind.  We sheltered behind a large rock but soon had to cave and wrap ourselves in thick towels to avoid the worst of the shivering.  So, I can relate to the scramble for a close up with sun and water but living in Florida now, I treasure the cool weather that makes being outdoors in the summer pleasurable. 

Yesterday the boys took private tennis lessons from the pro here.  Greg used to coach the Oregon Ducks, which is a Division 1 team. I can't say enough about his skill level working with these kids (and adults). He focuses on teaching good technique and just 30 to 60 minutes with him makes a world of difference in what the kids can do on the court. 

Today, Samuel held an impromptu outdoor art class.  The focus was on artistic lettering - 'bubble' and 'graffitti' letters...such fun.  I think that a play that the whole family can participate in is on tap next. I hope they don't make me play the dufus. :/

We're heading into Bend soon...about 45 minutes from here.  We plan to stop at the High Desert Museum, drive a few go-carts, and find some sushi!! I am really missing my sushi out here but clearly I'm finding other food that I DON'T need. :/  Mom and I have also set our sights on some shopping.

Not sure what tomorrow will hold, other than more of the same and 9 holes of golf for the family.  It's such a relief to relax and do whatever comes our way.


Photos of the Evergreen Water Park in McMinnville, Oregon

These pictures show the outside of just one of the four buildings that make up the air museum.  The water tubes start IN THE PLANE that sits on top of the building.  More pics to come.  Oh, this last one is the post-water park lunch with all of the beach-goers - Daryl left, Robbie, Joshua, my Mom (Myra), Samuel, and Uncle Kaye on the right.  Such a great group.